Fellmans Movie Reviews

Movie Reviews to Put a Smile on Your Face…

Star Wars: Episode 5 – The Empire Strikes Back

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The Empire Strikes Back Movie Poster

What’s bad? What is bad? There’s not a whole lot. I guess those Ugnaughts are pretty ugly to look at. And if you want to get really technical, Yoda is nothing more than just your basic muppet… 

The acting? The acting is noticeably improved since the first movie. Watch Episode 4 and then watch Episode 5 and tell me you don’t notice a difference in the acting. There’s clearly a difference. It’s just experience, I guess. They took the training wheels off, I suppose. 

The effects? Same thing with the effects. Lucas handed off the directing to Irvin Kershner so he could focus on his special effects company, Industrial Light and Magic. And that made the special effects of the movie a whole lot better. And that made the special effects of the entire industry a whole lot better because everybody in the film industry uses Industrial Light and Magic for their special effects now because they’re literally the best in the business.  

Lando wearing Han’s clothes at the end. It’s an old joke about Lando wearing Han’s clothes in the last scene at the end of Empire when he and Chewy are leaving the medical ship and going to look for Han. But when I watched it today, it finally hit me. When they left Cloud City in a hurry, it’s not like Lando took all of HIS clothes with him. He just kind of up and left. So, when they’re leaving the medical frigate, it kind of makes sense that he’s wearing Han’s clothes. Because it’s Han’s ship. Who else’s clothes would be on there? Lando wouldn’t have any other clothes than the ones he was wearing when they escaped from Bespin as fast as they could. So, he was just like, “I guess I’ll just wear these…” Makes sense to me. 

So, as far as sequels go, this is considered the greatest of all time. Just sayin’… And as far as marathons go, we’re up to Episode 6: Return of the Jedi next. And as always, May the Force Be With You… 

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