Fellmans Movie Reviews

Movie Reviews to Put a Smile on Your Face…

Star Wars: Episode 9 – The Rise of Skywalker

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The Rise of Skywalker Movie Poster

So, maybe the sequels aren’t up to snuff with the originals. Maybe a bunch of the parts don’t make a lot of sense. Maybe some of the characters were literally carbon copies of characters from the first movie. That’s not really the point of this review. The point is that you can still watch a movie that’s finishing off a masterpiece of a series and enjoy it for being ironically bad. But if you’re like me, you still have to finish it. Because you can’t watch eight movies out of a nine movie series, and then not watch the ninth movie. That’s like running 99 yards down the field and dropping the ball at the 1 yard line. It’s just a little bit of ridiculous…

What’s good? This one’s not bad, I suppose. I make fun of it as I watch it. But, as far as Star Wars movies go, it’s not the bottom of the deck. The special effects are easily the best part of this movie. It’s a Star Wars movie. Of course they are. It’s got a little of that Star Wars comedy back in it. But not much. There’s a good joke where they all look back at 3PO and then he turns around to look behind him and there’s nobody back there. That’s pretty funny… 

What’s bad? A bunch of things don’t make sense. I’m aware of suspension of disbelief and all that. And how nerds and superfans go picking over things with a fine-tooth comb. But some things are just blatant, and go jumping out at you, and you have to voice your opinions.  

The acting? There’s not anything wrong with the acting in the movie. I’d say they all did a good job. If anything, I’d say it’s more the characters than anything else. I think Kylo Ren is written as a whiny little child and he’s always crying about things. That’s not really Adam Driver’s fault. He’s just playing his part… 

The effects? This is, of course, a Star Wars film. And as such, is headed by George Lucas’ production studio, Industrial Light and Magic. Which is the top of the mountain when it comes to special effects in Hollywood. So, obviously, the special effects in this movie are going to be nothing short of ridiculous… 

The story? It’s a good way to end the Star Wars story, I think. Or, at least, this chapter of it, at any rate. A big fight scene. A huge battle sequence. There was a lot of action along the way while everybody was making their way there. It’s a well written story. For the most part. The dialogue might not be the greatest. But the overall story is fine.  

The plot twists. It seems like they throw in a few extra plot twists whenever they can just to shake things up a little bit. Some call it writing. Some call it unnecessary. It depends on how you look at it. Like Obi-Wan says “it all depends on your point of view…” 

So, for no reason other than to finish the series, you should watch Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker. It’s not great. But it’s not terrible. And you can get a few laughs out of the big battle scene at the end. That’s it for the great big Star Wars marathon. And as always, May the Force Be With You… 

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