Fellmans Movie Reviews

Movie Reviews to Put a Smile on Your Face…

The Bob’s Burgers Movie

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I’m nearing the end of watching the entire Bob’s Burgers series, so I decided to watch the Bob’s Burgers Movie. Movies taken from animated shows are essentially just extra-long episodes of that show. This movie seemed different. The animation seemed sharper. Like there was more effort put into it. Extra shadows and shading on everything. It looked like a Disney movie. But the script was just as funny and sharp as ever. It was just as good as any episode of Bob’s Burgers. Because the show has never lost a step for as long as it’s been on.  

What’s bad? There’s not a whole lot of bad things that I have to say about the movie. It’s funny, it’s a good story, not bad at all. 

The acting? All the voice actors they got to do the movie are all the same people that do the show, so there’s no problem with the voice actors. They’re all professional actors and comedians that work on the show.  

The animation? The animation looked almost intense compared to the regular show. It was as if everything was shaded and put extra effort into it. Like there was twice the number of animators working on this movie than there is on the show. Which, I’m sure there were.  

The story? It was a good story. If this were an episode of Bob’s Burgers that was turned into a two-parter or something, I’d like it. There’s a lot you could cut out and make into a shorter story. 

So, if you haven’t figured it out by now, see the Bob’s Burgers Movie. It’s good for you. It’s for a good cause. They’re poor. The Belchers don’t make very much, and they’ll take any business you can give them. And as always, keep on watching, with a smile on your face… 

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